"I guard againssst humansss. The Empire will kill usss unless we stop them." It says "I am Arthos." A slith warrior watches you with fascination and curiosity. 0 stnd 25 "" 0 stnd 0 "We sliths came to these caves many yearssss ago. We were thrown from our people because our clan was too violent. Now, some of usss are not that way anymore, but we are banished forever from our home." 0 ance@home 8 "I heard you recovered our holy charm, our lassst treasure from our ancestral home. I thank you!" "Our priessst wishesss to recover a holy charm our people brought with us when we fled our ancessstral home. He isss Pathass. You should ask him of it." 8 1 trib@wish 8 "Once, we fought you. Now, we are becoming fassst friends. It is a strange world indeed." 0 exil 8 "They kill usss by the hundredsss. Many, many of usss come here for help and to fight, and we do our bessst." 0 empi 8 "The Empire wishes to slay usss. The Exilesss wish to fight with usss. And my tribe has their own wishesss." 0 resp@peop 8 "We sliths have chiefsss, who tell the people what to do, then they decide whether or not to do it. Much like what you humansss have." 0 chie 8 "I am chief here. I take the responsibility for these people." He looks you over. "Welcome to my village, humansss. I am Toth-Thsss." This mighty slith paces the town, keeping a watchful eye on everything. He's huge, and keeps a mighty steel spear handy at all times. 0 stnd 8 "He kill bad human, not good human as you! He help us grow things. I sad he gone." His head drops sadly. 0 grot@gone 7 "I farm good! I farm for Groth. Groth gone." 0 farm 7 "It ... it ..." It struggles to find the word. "It neat. I farm!" 0 pink@soft 7 "You humansss. You pink and soft." 0 huma 7 "I want see humansss." The words come slow and haltingly. "I Ith." A hulking slith with a vacant look walks up and stares at you. 0 stnd 7 He backs away. "Humans hit slithsss lotsss. Hit me no! Uss not bad!" 0 human 6 "I'm not bad! Don't hit me! I not bad to humansss." 0 mean@slit 6 "Don't hurt me. I isn't not a mean slith." It speaks the words haltingly. It quivers, it's small, sharp teeth chattering. "I am Uss." This small slith stares at you with fear. 0 stnd 6 "Alasss, many slithsss reach adulthood without intelligence. These are used as servantsss, for growing food and simple jobs, with us looking after and helping them. That is what I am doing now." 0 serv@watc 5 "The servantsss need watching, and their master is off fighting the Empire." 0 watc@fiel 5 "I mold stone into statuesss. These stone forms of our ancessstorsss are our way of paying homage to them. Our statuesss have greatessst value to usss." 0 ston@shap 5 "Our slithsss guard our magical secretsss closely. They have sacred value to usss." 0 mage 5 "Well, normally I am a mage and stone shaper, but instead I am forced to watch the fieldsss." She looks pleased to have human visitors. "I am Othoss. Welcome." A slith with a large, carved staff is keeping an eye on the mushroom fields. She doesn't do very well at it, though. She seems lost in thought. 0 stnd 5 "Our people are being killed by you humansss. Our children are our only true hope." 0 guid@chil 4 She looks protectively towards the young playing in the pools, then gives you a look as if to say that if you want to do anything to them, you'll have to kill her first. She says only "I guide our children." 0 broo@youn 4 She thinks it over, then decides to tell you. "I am our brood-keeper, humansss. I look over our younglingsss." "I am Eth-Ath." She is careful not to get too close to you. This small, delicately featured slith woman watches you very nervously. 0 stnd 4 His face is typically expressionless, but his eyes glint with fire. "I make my weapons to slay thossse of the Empire. They have no other purpossse." 0 empi 3 60 59 Orho's Slith Spears 7 purc 3 "In the name of peace, we have been letting some humansss buy our weaponsss. Jussst asssk." He gives you a toothy grin, and twirls a spear effortlessly. "Yesss. The traditional ssspearsss of the Slithsss! The weaponsss we have used ssssince timesss lossst!" He shows you the beautiful weapon reverently. 0 weap 3 He grabs a newly made steel two-tined spear from the wall and holds it out. "I forge weaponsss to fight the Empire! "I am Orho." A massive slith emerges from the smoky haze that fills this long, low building. Huge muscles ripple under his leathery skin, and huge hammers hang from his belt. 0 stnd 3 He sinks down to the bed. "One day. Sssss. One day." 0 reve 2 His eyes light up with fury. "They killed my mate and my brood!" His voice starts to rise, despite the pain speaking is causing him. "One day I will arise, and I will take up my sssspear, and I will have revenge!" 0 fight 2 "Empire troopssss slew my village. I fled." He pauses to regain his strength, and continues. "I fled here. I rest, so I can fight." 0 rest@wait 2 "I rest, and wait. Ssss." It emits a long, drawn out hiss of agony. "Sssss. I am Lairgath. Sssssss." There is a grievously wounded slith lying back on this bed. It's tail has been lost, and dirty bandages cover its body. It stares up at you through a haze of pain. 0 stnd 2 "Yes. As hard as you humans find it to believe, the Empire is killing all of us, every last one. One day we will be able to prove it to you, although we hope it happens before we are all gone." 0 mass@grav 1 "Here, we can arm them, and help them fight. They will at least have the luck of dying fighting for their freedom, rather than ending up in a mass grave." 0 luck@ones 1 "The Empire is moving from Slith village to Slith village, killing all of our people they find. A few of them, the lucky ones, make their way here. The rest end up in mass graves." 0 refu@flee 1 She slowly shakes her head. "I have been looking after and aiding the refugees that have been fleeing here." It speaks in a deep, sibilant voice. "I am Assotho, of the Slithzerikai. Welcome to Gnass." You meet a tall, dignified slith. It bows in greeting. 0 stnd 1 "A wondrous item. It takes chants within itself, and echoes them back. It purifies and strengthens our prayers." 0 chan@ston 0 8 42 He mutters a brief chant, then repeats it several times. "When you find a place where the charm may be hidden, mutter this chant and it will hum in response to you. The charm is the only chanting stone in these caves." (You take note of this.) 2 ritu@help 0 "" 138 holy@char 0 "Yesss. We worship our godsss, kind godssss, as besst we can. Many of our bretheren in these caves worship dark godsss, of war and blood. We do not. It saddensss us, for they possesss our holy charm." 0 grea@labo 0 "Yesss. We slithsss are a religiouss people." 0 prie 0 "I am the priessst for thisss village. It isss a great labor." He nods solemnly to you. "I am Pathass." You meet an ancient slith, green scales faded, sitting wearily at this table. 0 stnd 0 "Sss. I can't help you with that." 56 3 Gnass